All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AccessoryFlagsCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates whether accessory requires additional setup.
AccessoryFlagsEnum |
0x0001 (bit0) ”Requires additional setup” 0x0002 - 0xFFFF ”Reserved”
AccessoryInformationService |
Accessory Information service.
AccessoryWithAccessoryFlags |
Accessory with accessory flags, which indicates that additional setup is required
AccessoryWithActive |
AccessoryWithAirPlayEnable |
AccessoryWithBrightness |
Accessory with brightness values.
AccessoryWithCarbonDioxideLevel |
Accessory with carbon dioxide level and peak level characteristic.
AccessoryWithCarbonMonoxideLevel |
Accessory with carbon monoxide level and peak level characteristic.
AccessoryWithClosedCaptions |
AccessoryWithColor |
Accessory with Color
AccessoryWithColorTemperature |
Accessory with color temperature.
AccessoryWithConfiguredName |
Accessory with configured name.
AccessoryWithCoolingThresholdTemperature |
Accessory with cooling threshold temperature.
AccessoryWithCurrentHorizontalTilting |
Accessory with current horizontal tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithCurrentMediaState |
AccessoryWithCurrentRelativeHumidity |
accessory with current relative humidity.
AccessoryWithCurrentTilting |
Accessory with current tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithCurrentVerticalTilting |
Accessory with current vertical tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithDuration |
Accessory with duration characteristic.
AccessoryWithFanState |
An accessory with current and target fan states.
AccessoryWithFilterLifeLevel |
Accessory with filter level characteristics
AccessoryWithHardwareRevision |
Accessory with hardware revision.
AccessoryWithHeatingThresholdTemperature |
AccessoryWithHoldPosition |
Accessory with hold position
AccessoryWithHumidityDehumidifierThreshold |
Dehumidifier with humidity threshold.
AccessoryWithHumidityHumidifierThreshold |
Humidifier with humidity threshold.
AccessoryWithIdentifier |
AccessoryWithInputDeviceType |
Accessory with input devices, e.g.
AccessoryWithIsConfigured |
Accessory with isConfigured characteristics.
AccessoryWithLockCurrentState |
Accessory with current lock state.
AccessoryWithLockTargetState |
Accessory with lock target state.
AccessoryWithMute |
AccessoryWithName |
Accessory with name.
AccessoryWithNitrogenDioxideDensity |
Accessory with nitrogen dioxide density characteristic.
AccessoryWithObstructionDetection |
Accessory with hold position
AccessoryWithOzoneDensity |
Accessory with Ozone Density characteristic.
AccessoryWithPhysicalControlsLock |
Accessory with physical controls which can be locked, e.g.
AccessoryWithPictureMode |
AccessoryWithPM10Density |
Accessory with PM10 Density characteristic.
AccessoryWithPM25Density |
Accessory with PM25 Density characteristic.
AccessoryWithPowerMode |
An accessory with power mode.
AccessoryWithRemainingDuration |
Accessory with remaining duration characteristic.
AccessoryWithResetFilterIndication |
Accessory with filter reset characteristics
AccessoryWithRotationDirection |
accessory with rotation direction characteristics.
AccessoryWithRotationSpeed |
accessory with rotation speed characteristics.
AccessoryWithSecurityAlarmType |
This characteristic describes the type of alarm triggered by a security system.
AccessoryWithServiceLabelIndex |
Accessory with service label index.
AccessoryWithStatusActive |
Accessory with status active.
AccessoryWithStatusFault |
Accessory with characteristic that describes an accessory which has a fault.
AccessoryWithStatusLowBattery |
This characteristic describes an accessoryʼs battery status.
AccessoryWithStatusTampered |
This characteristic describes an accessory which has been tampered with.
AccessoryWithSulphurDioxideDensity |
Accessory with sulphur dioxide density characteristic.
AccessoryWithSwingMode |
Accessory with Swing Mode characteristics.
AccessoryWithTargetHorizontalTilting |
Accessory with target horizontal tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithTargetMediaState |
AccessoryWithTargetRelativeHumidity |
accessory with target relative humidity.
AccessoryWithTargetTilting |
Accessory with target tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithTargetVerticalTilting |
Accessory with target vertical tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithTargetVisibilityState |
accessory with target visibility state characteristics.
AccessoryWithTemperatureDisplayUnits |
Accessory with characteristic that describes units of temperature used for presentation purposes
AccessoryWithVerticalTilting |
Accessory with vertical tilting characteristic.
AccessoryWithVOCDensity |
Accessory with VOC Density characteristic.
AccessoryWithVolume |
Accessory with volume values.
AccessoryWithVolumeControlType |
AccessoryWithVolumeSelector |
AccessoryWithWaterLevel |
Accessory with water level.
ActiveCharacteristic |
Active characteristic indicates whether the service is currently active.
ActiveEnum |
0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Active” 2-255 ”Reserved”
ActiveIdentifierCharacteristic |
AirPlayEnableCharacteristic |
characteristic to control air play.
AirPurifierAccessory |
An air purifier.
AirPurifierService |
This service describes an air purifier.
AirQualityAccessory |
An air quality accessory which can include several sensors.
AirQualityCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the air quality.
AirQualityEnum |
0 ”Unknown” 1 ”Excellent” 2 ”Good” 3 ”Fair” 4 ”Inferior” 5 ”Poor”
AirQualityService |
This service describes air quality sensor.
BaseCharacteristic<T> |
BasicFanAccessory |
A fan with mandatory characteristics.
BasicFanService |
This service describes a fan.
BatteryAccessory |
Devices with battery .
BatteryLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current level of the battery.
BatteryService |
This service describes a battery service.
BooleanCharacteristic |
Characteristic that exposes a Boolean value.
Bridge |
HomeKit bridge service.
BrightnessCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes a perceived level of brightness, The value is a percentage (%) of
the maximum level of supported brightness.
CarbonDioxideDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the levels of Carbon Dioxide.
CarbonDioxideDetectedEnum |
0 ”Carbon Dioxide levels are normal” 1 ”Carbon Dioxide levels are abnormal”
CarbonDioxideLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the detected level of Carbon Dioxide in parts per million (ppm).
CarbonDioxidePeakLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the highest detected level (ppm) of carbon dioxide.
CarbonDioxideSensorAccessory |
A carbon dioxide sensor reports carbon dioxide level.
CarbonDioxideSensorService |
This service describes a carbon dioxide sensor.
CarbonMonoxideDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the levels of Carbon Monoxide.
CarbonMonoxideDetectedEnum |
0 ”Carbon Monoxide levels are normal” 1 ”Carbon Monoxide levels are abnormal”
CarbonMonoxideLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the Carbon Monoxide levels in parts per million (ppm).
CarbonMonoxidePeakLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the highest detected level (ppm) of Carbon Monoxide.
CarbonMonoxideSensorAccessory |
A carbon monoxide sensor reports whether carbon monoxide has been detected or not.
CarbonMonoxideSensorService |
This service describes a carbon monoxide sensor.
Characteristic |
Interface for the characteristics provided by a Service.
CharacteristicEnum |
ChargingStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the charging state of a battery or an accessory.
ChargingStateEnum |
0 ”Not Charging” 1 ”Charging” 2 ”Not Chargeable”
ClosedCaptionsCharacteristic |
Characteristic indicates whether the service provides closed captions.
ClosedCaptionsEnum |
0 ”Disabled” 1 ”Enabled” 2-255 ”Reserved”
ColorTemperatureCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes color temperature in mireds
ConfiguredNameCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes a configured name.
ContactSensorAccessory |
A contact sensor that reports whether contact is detected or not.
ContactSensorService |
This service describes a Contact Sensor.
ContactSensorStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the state of a door/window contact sensor.
ContactStateEnum |
CoolingThresholdTemperatureCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the cooling threshold on which accessories turns on the cooling.
CurrentAirPurifierCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of the air purifier.
CurrentAirPurifierStateEnum |
0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Idle” 2 ”Purifying Air”
CurrentAmbientLightLevelCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the current light level in Lux
CurrentDoorStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of a door.
CurrentDoorStateEnum |
0 ”Open.
CurrentFanStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of the fan.
CurrentFanStateEnum |
CurrentHeaterCoolerStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of a heater cooler.
CurrentHeaterCoolerStateEnum |
0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Idle” 2 ”Heating” 3 ”Cooling”
CurrentHeatingCoolingStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current mode of an accessory that supports cooling or heating
CurrentHeatingCoolingStateEnum |
0 ”Off.” 1 ”Heat.
CurrentHorizontalTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current angle of horizontal slats.
CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of a humidifier or/and a dehumidifier.
CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateEnum |
0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Idle” 2 ”Humidifying” 3 ”Dehumidifying”
CurrentMediaStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates current media state.
CurrentMediaStateEnum |
0 ”Play” 1 ”Pause” 2 "Stop" 3 "Unknown" 4-255 ”Reserved”
CurrentPositionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current position of accessories.
CurrentRelativeHumidityCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current relative humidity.
CurrentSecuritySystemStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the state of a security system
CurrentSecuritySystemStateEnum |
CurrentSlatStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of the slats.
CurrentSlatStateEnum |
0 ”Fixed” 1 ”Jammed” 2 ”Swinging”
CurrentTemperatureCharacteristic |
characteristic describes the current temperature of the environment in Celsius
CurrentTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describe current tilt angle (between -90 and 90)
CurrentVerticalTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current angle of vertical slats for accessory.
CurrentVisibilityStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes current visibility state.
CurrentVisibilityStateEnum |
DoorAccessory |
A motorized door with current and target position.
DoorbellAccessory |
doorbell accessory with a switch (button push) event.
DoorbellService |
The Doorbell service describes a doorbell.
DoorService |
This service describes a motorized door.
EnumCharacteristic<T extends CharacteristicEnum> |
Characteristic that exposes an Enum value.
EventableCharacteristic |
A characteristic that can be listened to by the connected iOS device.
ExceptionalConsumer<T> |
FanAccessory |
A fan with mandatory characteristics.
FanService |
This service describes a fan.
FaucetAccessory |
Faucets or shower heads accessory.
FaucetService |
FilterChangeIndicationCharacteristic |
FilterChangeIndicationEnum |
FilterLifeLevelCharacteristic |
FilterMaintenanceAccessory |
A Filter maintenance with mandatory characteristics.
FilterMaintenanceService |
This service describes a filter maintenance.
FirmwareRevisionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes a firmware revision string
FloatCharacteristic |
A characteristic that provides a Float value type.
GarageDoorOpenerAccessory |
garage door opener accessory with control and status of a garage door
GarageDoorOpenerService |
This service describes a garage door opener that controls a single door.
HAPProtocolInformationService |
This service HAP version.
HardwareRevisionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes a hardware revision in a form x[.y[.z]] (e.g.
HeaterCoolerAccessory |
Heater Cooler accessory
HeaterCoolerService |
This service can be used to describe a heater and/or a cooler
HeatingThresholdTemperatureCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the heating threshold on which heating get turned on.
HoldPositionCharacteristic |
This characteristic causes the accessories like window covering to stop at its current
HomekitAccessory |
Base interface for all HomeKit Accessories.
HomekitAccessoryCategories |
HomekitAuthInfo |
Authentication info that must be provided when constructing a new HomekitServer .
HomekitCharacteristicChangeCallback |
A callback interface for notifying subscribers that a characteristic value has changed.
HomekitWebHandler |
HueCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes hue or color.
HumidifierDehumidifierAccessory |
Humidifier/Dehumidifier accessory
HumidifierDehumidifierService |
This service can be used to describe an air humidifier or/and an air dehumidifier.
HumidityDehumidifierThresholdCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the relative humidity dehumidifier threshold on which dehumidifier
turns on.
HumidityHumidifierThresholdCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the relative humidity humidifier threshold on which humidifier
turns on.
HumiditySensorAccessory |
A humidity sensor that reports the current relative humidity.
HumiditySensorService |
This service describes a humidity sensor.
IdentifierCharacteristic |
IdentifyCharacteristic |
This characteristic enables accessory to run its identify routine.
InputDeviceTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes input device type.
InputDeviceTypeEnum |
InputSourceAccessory |
Input Source accessory.
InputSourceService |
This service describes a input source.
InputSourceTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes input source type.
InputSourceTypeEnum |
IntegerCharacteristic |
A characteristic that provides an Integer data type.
InUseCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates whether the service is in use.
InUseEnum |
0 ”Not in use” 1 ”In use” 2-255 ”Reserved”
IrrigationSystemAccessory |
irrigation system accessory that controls several valves.
IrrigationSystemService |
An irrigation system service
IsConfiguredCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes whether the service is configured for use.
IsConfiguredEnum |
0 ”Not Configured” 1 ”Configured” 2-255 ”Reserved”
LeakDetectedStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates if a sensor detected a leak (e.g.
LeakDetectedStateEnum |
0 ”Leak is not detected” 1 ”Leak is detected”
LeakSensorAccessory |
A leak sensor that reports whether a leak has been detected.
LeakSensorService |
This service describes a leak sensor.
LightbulbAccessory |
A simple light with a binary state.
LightbulbService |
This service describes a light bulb.
LightSensorAccessory |
A light sensor that reports current ambient light level.
LightSensorService |
This service describes a light sensor.
LockCurrentStateCharacteristic |
The current state of the physical security mechanism (e.g.
LockCurrentStateEnum |
0 ”Unsecured” 1 ”Secured” 2 ”Jammed” 3 ”Unknown” 4-255 ”Reserved”
LockMechanismAccessory |
Lock mechanism with current and target state.
LockMechanismService |
The Lock Mechanism Service describes the physical lock mechanism on a device.
LockPhysicalControlsCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes physical controls on an accessory (eg.
LockPhysicalControlsEnum |
0 ”Control lock disabled” 1 ”Control lock enabled”
LockTargetStateCharacteristic |
The target state of the physical security mechanism (e.g.
LockTargetStateEnum |
0 ”Unsecured” 1 ”Secured” 4-255 ”Reserved”
ManufacturerCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the name of the company whose brand will appear on the accessory
MicrophoneAccessory |
Microphone accessory with mute state.
MicrophoneService |
A Microphone service is used to control the sourcing of the input audio – primarily through a
ModelCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the manufacturer-specific model of the accessory
MotionDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates if motion (e.g.
MotionSensorAccessory |
A motion sensor that reports whether motion has been detected.
MotionSensorService |
This service describes a motion sensor.
MuteCharacteristic |
Mute characteristic to control audio input or output accessory.
NameCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes a name and must not be a null value.
NitrogenDioxideDensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the current NO2 density in micrograms/m3.
ObstructionDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the current state of an obstruction sensor.
OccupancyDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates if occupancy was detected (e.g.
OccupancyDetectedEnum |
0 ”Occupancy is not detected” 1 ”Occupancy is detected”
OccupancySensorAccessory |
An occupancy sensor that reports whether occupancy has been detected.
OccupancySensorService |
This service describes an occupancy sensor.
OnCharacteristic |
This characteristic represents the states for “on” and “off”.
OutletAccessory |
A power outlet with boolean power and usage states.
OutletInUseCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes if the power outlet has an appliance physically plugged in.
OutletService |
This service describes a power outlet.
OzoneDensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the current ozone density in micrograms/m3.
PictureModeCharacteristic |
This characteristic retrieves / sets picture mode.
PictureModeEnum |
0 ”Other” 1 ”Standard” 2 "Calibrated" 3 "CalibratedDark" 4 "Vivid" 5 "Game" 6 "Computer" 7
"Custom" 8-255 ”Reserved”
PM10DensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the current PM10 micrometer particulate density in micrograms/m3.
PM25DensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the current PM2.5 micrometer particulate density in micrograms/m3.
PositionStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the state of the position of accessories.
PositionStateEnum |
0 ”Going to the minimum value specified in metadata” 1 ”Going to the maximum value specified in
metadata” 2 ”Stopped”
PowerModeCharacteristic |
characteristic sets power mode.
PowerModeEnum |
0 ”Show” 1 ”Hide” 2-255 ”Reserved”
ProgrammableSwitchEnum |
0 ”Single Press” 1 ”Double Press” 2 ”Long Press” 3-255 ”Reserved”
ProgrammableSwitchEventCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes an event generated by a programmable switch.
ProgramModeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes if there are programs scheduled on the accessory.
ProgramModeEnum |
0 ”No Programs Scheduled” 1 ”Program Scheduled” 2 ”Program Scheduled, currently overriden to
manual mode”
RemainingDurationCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the remaining duration of the active status of an accessory, e.g.
RemoteKeyCharacteristic |
This characteristic sends information about pressed key on tv remote.
RemoteKeyEnum |
ResetFilterIndicationCharacteristic |
RotationDirectionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the direction of rotation of a fan.
RotationDirectionEnum |
0 ”Clockwise” 1 ”Counter-clockwise” 2-255 ”Reserved”
RotationSpeedCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the rotation speed of a fan.
SaturationCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes color saturation.
SecuritySystemAccessory |
A security system that can be armed so that when a contact sensor is opened or a motion sensor
detects movement, then a siren could be fired off.
SecuritySystemAlarmTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the type of alarm triggered by a security system.
SecuritySystemAlarmTypeEnum |
SecuritySystemService |
This service describes a security system service.
SerialNumberCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the manufacturer-specific serial number of the accessory.
Service |
Interface for a Service offered by an accessory.
ServiceLabelIndexCharacteristic |
ServiceLabelNamespaceCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the naming schema for an accessory.
ServiceLabelNamespaceEnum |
0 ”Dots.
ServiceLabelService |
This service describes label scheme.
SetDurationCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the duration, how long an accessory should be set to "InUse".
SlatAccessory |
A slat accessory which tilts on a vertical or a horizontal axis.
SlatService |
This service describes a slat
SlatTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the type of the slats.
SlatTypeEnum |
0 ”Horizontal” 1 ”Vertical”
SleepDiscoveryModeCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates whether the service can be discovered.
SleepDiscoveryModeEnum |
0 ”Not discoverable” 1 ”Always discoverable” 2-255 ”Reserved”
SmartSpeakerAccessory |
Smart Speaker accessory.
SmartSpeakerService |
A smart speaker service can be used to control the audio output settings on a speaker device.
SmokeDetectedCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates if a sensor detects smoke.
SmokeDetectedStateEnum |
0 ”Smoke is not detected” 1 ”Smoke is detected”
SmokeSensorAccessory |
A smoke sensor reports whether smoke has been detected or not.
SmokeSensorService |
This service describes a Smoke detector Sensor.
SpeakerAccessory |
Speaker accessory.
SpeakerService |
A Speaker service can be used to control the audio output settings on a speaker device.
StatelessProgrammableSwitchAccessory |
The Stateless Programmable Switch accessory
StatelessProgrammableSwitchService |
This service describes a stateless programmable switch.
StaticStringCharacteristic |
A characteristic that provides an immutable String value.
StatusActiveCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes current working (active and functional) status of accessory.
StatusFaultCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes fault status.
StatusFaultEnum |
0 ”No Fault” 1 ”General Fault”
StatusLowBatteryCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes an accessory battery status.
StatusLowBatteryEnum |
0 ”Battery level is normal” 1 ”Battery level is low”
StatusTamperedCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes tampered status.
StatusTamperedEnum |
0 ”Accessory is not tampered” 1 ”Accessory is tampered with”
StringCharacteristic |
A characteristic that provides an string value.
SulphurDioxideDensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic contains the current SO2 density in micrograms/m3.
SwingModeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes if swing mode is enabled.
SwingModeEnum |
0 ”Swing disabled” 1 ”Swing enabled”
SwitchAccessory |
A simple switch with a binary state.
SwitchService |
This service describes a binary switch.
TargetAirPurifierStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of the air purifier.
TargetAirPurifierStateEnum |
0 ”Manual” 1 ”Auto”
TargetDoorStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of a door.
TargetDoorStateEnum |
0 ”Open” 1 ”Closed” 2-255 ”Reserved”
TargetFanStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of the fan.
TargetFanStateEnum |
0 ”Manual” 1 ”Auto”
TargetHeaterCoolerStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of heater cooler.
TargetHeaterCoolerStateEnum |
0 AUTO - ”Heat or Cool” 1 ”Heat” 2 ”Cool”
TargetHeatingCoolingStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target mode of an accessory that supports heating/cooling,
TargetHeatingCoolingStateEnum |
0 ”Off” 1 ”Heat.” 2 ”Cool." 3 ”Auto.
TargetHorizontalTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target angle of horizontal slats for accessories.
TargetHumidifierDehumidifierStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of a humidifier or/and a dehumidifier..
TargetHumidifierDehumidifierStateEnum |
0 - Auto - ”Humidifier or Dehumidifier” 1 ”Humidifier” 2 ”Dehumidifier”
TargetMediaStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic sets media state.
TargetMediaStateEnum |
0 ”Play” 1 ”Pause” 2 "Stop" 3-255 ”Reserved”
TargetPositionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target position of accessories like door, window, blinds.
TargetRelativeHumidityCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target relative humidity.
TargetSecuritySystemStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target state of the security system.
TargetSecuritySystemStateEnum |
TargetTemperatureCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target temperature in Celsius that the accessory is actively
attempting to reach.
TargetTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target angle of slats.
TargetVerticalTiltAngleCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the target angle of vertical slats.
TargetVisibilityStateCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes target visibility state.
TargetVisibilityStateEnum |
TelevisionAccessory |
Television accessory.
TelevisionService |
This service describes a television.
TelevisionSpeakerAccessory |
Television speaker accessory.
TelevisionSpeakerService |
This service describes a television.
TemperatureDisplayUnitCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes units of temperature used for presentation purposes (e.g.
TemperatureDisplayUnitEnum |
TemperatureSensorAccessory |
A temperature sensor that reports the current temperature
TemperatureSensorService |
This service describes a Temperature Sensor.
ThermostatAccessory |
A thermostat with heating and cooling controls.
ThermostatService |
This service describes a thermostat.
ValveAccessory |
A Valve (sprinkler head, faucet, etc.)
ValveService |
This service describes accessories valves.
ValveTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the type of valve.
ValveTypeEnum |
VersionCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes HAP version.
VOCDensityCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates the current volatile organic compound (VOC) density in
VolumeCharacteristic |
Volume characteristic to control audio volume.
VolumeControlTypeCharacteristic |
This characteristic indicates volume control type.
VolumeControlTypeEnum |
VolumeSelectorCharacteristic |
This characteristic sends information about volume changes.
VolumeSelectorEnum |
WaterLavelCharacteristic |
This characteristic describes the water level.
WindowAccessory |
motorized window accessory.
WindowCoveringAccessory |
A window covering, like blinds, which can be remotely controlled.
WindowCoveringService |
This service describes motorized window coverings or shades
WindowService |
This service describes a motorized window.