Interface Service

    • Method Detail

      • getCharacteristics

        java.util.List<Characteristic> getCharacteristics()
        Characteristics are the variables offered for reading, updating, and eventing by the Service over the HomeKit protocol.

        It is important to maintain the order of this list and not change its contents between invocations, or a pairing error will result.

        the list of Characteristics.
      • getType

        java.lang.String getType()
        The type is a UUID that uniquely identifies the type of Service offered. Apple defines several types for standard Services, however UUIDs outside this range are allowed for custom Services.
        A string representation of the UUID, with hexadecimal digits in the format ########-####-####-####-############.
      • getLinkedServices

        java.util.List<Service> getLinkedServices()
        List of all the services to which the service links
        the list of linked services.
      • addLinkedService

        void addLinkedService​(Service service)
        Add linked services
        service - linked service