Interface AccessoryWithCoolingThresholdTemperature

  • public interface AccessoryWithCoolingThresholdTemperature
    Accessory with cooling threshold temperature.
    • Method Detail

      • getCoolingThresholdTemperature

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Double> getCoolingThresholdTemperature()
        Retrieves the temperature above which the thermostat should begin cooling.
        a future that will contain the threshold temperature, in celsius degrees.
      • setCoolingThresholdTemperature

        void setCoolingThresholdTemperature​(java.lang.Double value)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets the temperature above which the thermostat should begin cooling.
        value - the threshold temperature, in celsius degrees.
        java.lang.Exception - when the threshold temperature cannot be changed.
      • getMinCoolingThresholdTemperature

        default double getMinCoolingThresholdTemperature()
        return the min value for cooling threshold temperature. overwrite if you want to change the default value.
        min threshold temperature
      • getMaxCoolingThresholdTemperature

        default double getMaxCoolingThresholdTemperature()
        return the max value for cooling threshold temperature. overwrite if you want to change the default value.
        max threshold temperature
      • getStepCoolingThresholdTemperature

        default double getStepCoolingThresholdTemperature()
        return the min step value for cooling threshold temperature. overwrite if you want to change the default value.
        step for threshold temperature
      • subscribeCoolingThresholdTemperature

        void subscribeCoolingThresholdTemperature​(HomekitCharacteristicChangeCallback callback)
        Subscribes to changes in the cooling threshold.
        callback - the function to call when the state changes.
      • unsubscribeCoolingThresholdTemperature

        void unsubscribeCoolingThresholdTemperature()
        Unsubscribes from changes in the cooling threshold.