Interface AccessoryWithIsConfigured

  • public interface AccessoryWithIsConfigured
    Accessory with isConfigured characteristics. This characteristic describes if the service is configured for use. For example, all of the valves in an irrigation system may not be configured depending on physical wire connection.
    • Method Detail

      • getIsConfigured

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<IsConfiguredEnum> getIsConfigured()
        isConfigured state
        a future that will contain the isConfigured state
      • setIsConfigured

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> setIsConfigured​(IsConfiguredEnum isConfigured)
        Set the isConfigured (NOT_CONFIGURED, CONFIGURED).
        isConfigured - isConfigured state
        a future that completes when the change is made
      • subscribeIsConfigured

        void subscribeIsConfigured​(HomekitCharacteristicChangeCallback callback)
        Subscribes to changes in isConfigured state
        callback - the function to call when the isConfigured state changes.
      • unsubscribeIsConfigured

        void unsubscribeIsConfigured()
        Unsubscribes from changes in the isConfigured state.