Interface AccessoryWithCurrentVerticalTilting

  • public interface AccessoryWithCurrentVerticalTilting
    Accessory with current vertical tilting characteristic.
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentVerticalTiltAngle

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Integer> getCurrentVerticalTiltAngle()
        Retrieves the current vertical tilt angle
        a future that will contain the position as a value between -90 and 90
      • subscribeCurrentVerticalTiltAngle

        void subscribeCurrentVerticalTiltAngle​(HomekitCharacteristicChangeCallback callback)
        Subscribes to changes in the current vertical tilt angle.
        callback - the function to call when the state changes.
      • unsubscribeCurrentVerticalTiltAngle

        void unsubscribeCurrentVerticalTiltAngle()
        Unsubscribes from changes in the current vertical tilt angle