Uses of Package
Packages that use io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common Package Description io.github.hapjava.accessories Contains interfaces that can be implemented to represent an exposed io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common -
Classes in io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common used by io.github.hapjava.accessories Class Description ActiveEnum 0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Active” 2-255 ”Reserved”InUseEnum 0 ”Not in use” 1 ”In use” 2-255 ”Reserved”IsConfiguredEnum 0 ”Not Configured” 1 ”Configured” 2-255 ”Reserved”ProgrammableSwitchEnum 0 ”Single Press” 1 ”Double Press” 2 ”Long Press” 3-255 ”Reserved”ProgramModeEnum 0 ”No Programs Scheduled” 1 ”Program Scheduled” 2 ”Program Scheduled, currently overriden to manual mode” -
Classes in io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common used by io.github.hapjava.accessories.optionalcharacteristic Class Description ActiveEnum 0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Active” 2-255 ”Reserved”IsConfiguredEnum 0 ”Not Configured” 1 ”Configured” 2-255 ”Reserved”StatusFaultEnum 0 ”No Fault” 1 ”General Fault”StatusTamperedEnum 0 ”Accessory is not tampered” 1 ”Accessory is tampered with” -
Classes in io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common used by io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common Class Description ActiveEnum 0 ”Inactive” 1 ”Active” 2-255 ”Reserved”InUseEnum 0 ”Not in use” 1 ”In use” 2-255 ”Reserved”IsConfiguredEnum 0 ”Not Configured” 1 ”Configured” 2-255 ”Reserved”ProgrammableSwitchEnum 0 ”Single Press” 1 ”Double Press” 2 ”Long Press” 3-255 ”Reserved”ProgramModeEnum 0 ”No Programs Scheduled” 1 ”Program Scheduled” 2 ”Program Scheduled, currently overriden to manual mode”ServiceLabelNamespaceEnum 0 ”Dots.StatusFaultEnum 0 ”No Fault” 1 ”General Fault”StatusTamperedEnum 0 ”Accessory is not tampered” 1 ”Accessory is tampered with” -
Classes in io.github.hapjava.characteristics.impl.common used by Class Description ActiveCharacteristic Active characteristic indicates whether the service is currently active.ActiveIdentifierCharacteristic AirPlayEnableCharacteristic characteristic to control air play.ConfiguredNameCharacteristic This characteristic describes a configured name.IdentifierCharacteristic InUseCharacteristic This characteristic indicates whether the service is in use.IsConfiguredCharacteristic This characteristic describes whether the service is configured for use.NameCharacteristic This characteristic describes a name and must not be a null value.ObstructionDetectedCharacteristic This characteristic describes the current state of an obstruction sensor.OnCharacteristic This characteristic represents the states for “on” and “off”.ProgrammableSwitchEventCharacteristic This characteristic describes an event generated by a programmable switch.ProgramModeCharacteristic This characteristic describes if there are programs scheduled on the accessory.ServiceLabelIndexCharacteristic This characteristic is used to identify the index of the label according toServiceLabelNamespaceCharacteristic
ServiceLabelNamespaceCharacteristic This characteristic describes the naming schema for an accessory.StatusActiveCharacteristic This characteristic describes current working (active and functional) status of accessory.StatusFaultCharacteristic This characteristic describes fault status.StatusTamperedCharacteristic This characteristic describes tampered status.VersionCharacteristic This characteristic describes HAP version.WaterLavelCharacteristic This characteristic describes the water level.