AirPurifierAccessory |
An air purifier.
AirQualityAccessory |
An air quality accessory which can include several sensors.
BasicFanAccessory |
A fan with mandatory characteristics.
BatteryAccessory |
Devices with battery .
CarbonDioxideSensorAccessory |
A carbon dioxide sensor reports carbon dioxide level.
CarbonMonoxideSensorAccessory |
A carbon monoxide sensor reports whether carbon monoxide has been detected or not.
ContactSensorAccessory |
A contact sensor that reports whether contact is detected or not.
DoorAccessory |
A motorized door with current and target position.
DoorbellAccessory |
doorbell accessory with a switch (button push) event.
FanAccessory |
A fan with mandatory characteristics.
FaucetAccessory |
Faucets or shower heads accessory.
FilterMaintenanceAccessory |
A Filter maintenance with mandatory characteristics.
GarageDoorOpenerAccessory |
garage door opener accessory with control and status of a garage door
HeaterCoolerAccessory |
Heater Cooler accessory
HomekitAccessory |
Base interface for all HomeKit Accessories.
HumidifierDehumidifierAccessory |
Humidifier/Dehumidifier accessory
HumiditySensorAccessory |
A humidity sensor that reports the current relative humidity.
InputSourceAccessory |
Input Source accessory.
IrrigationSystemAccessory |
irrigation system accessory that controls several valves.
LeakSensorAccessory |
A leak sensor that reports whether a leak has been detected.
LightbulbAccessory |
A simple light with a binary state.
LightSensorAccessory |
A light sensor that reports current ambient light level.
LockMechanismAccessory |
Lock mechanism with current and target state.
MicrophoneAccessory |
Microphone accessory with mute state.
MotionSensorAccessory |
A motion sensor that reports whether motion has been detected.
OccupancySensorAccessory |
An occupancy sensor that reports whether occupancy has been detected.
OutletAccessory |
A power outlet with boolean power and usage states.
SecuritySystemAccessory |
A security system that can be armed so that when a contact sensor is opened or a motion sensor
detects movement, then a siren could be fired off.
SlatAccessory |
A slat accessory which tilts on a vertical or a horizontal axis.
SmartSpeakerAccessory |
Smart Speaker accessory.
SmokeSensorAccessory |
A smoke sensor reports whether smoke has been detected or not.
SpeakerAccessory |
Speaker accessory.
StatelessProgrammableSwitchAccessory |
The Stateless Programmable Switch accessory
SwitchAccessory |
A simple switch with a binary state.
TelevisionAccessory |
Television accessory.
TelevisionSpeakerAccessory |
Television speaker accessory.
TemperatureSensorAccessory |
A temperature sensor that reports the current temperature
ThermostatAccessory |
A thermostat with heating and cooling controls.
ValveAccessory |
A Valve (sprinkler head, faucet, etc.)
WindowAccessory |
motorized window accessory.
WindowCoveringAccessory |
A window covering, like blinds, which can be remotely controlled.